
Our Restorative Health Practitioner - Group Program Facilitator

Allison studied Naturopathy in the mid 90’s after much upheaval, personal and health struggles led her towards a more holistic approach to life. This approach combined wholistic therapies, dietary changes and reconnecting with a solid, grounded spiritual practice restored her depleted energy and helped her regain control of her health.

She continued exploring therapies to support her own healing and found the practices of somatic movement and awareness, sound therapy, mindfulness, bowen therapy, energy awarenesscombined with lots of self- care supports her recovery from complex trauma.Allison has now studied and continues to expand her learning through:

• iRest® Yoga Nidra

• Bowen therapy

• IFS Informed therapy

• Somatic transformation

• Polyvagal Theory (current Australian cohort)

She now considers herself a helper, supporting others to take those first steps towards their own health journey. She currently runs her own private practice - Reset Wellness, in Montmorency, Allison has extensive experience in wholistic practices and programs and has facilitated restorative and well-being groups and workshops for:

•Women’s circles

•Family violence programs to support women Asylum seekers and multicultural women

•Online iRest Yoga Nidra classes

•Co-ownership and operation of a well-being centre for 7 years

  • 5 minutes in the morning to anchor into her body before she start’s moving around. It allows Allison to feel gravity holding her and a place to reconnect when life gets busy!

  • Hiking in the mountains and daily walks with her dogs

  • Singing - rediscovering the power of harmony with others

  • Travel - whether its a weekend in a tent and a day exploring a hidden part of the city - this feeds her soul

Allison’s Rest & Restore Practice